Originally Posted by mahtofire14
Nice job Scott! I've been going through this battle for the last six months myself. It's an uphill battle the whole way. I have associated it with golf and work so whenever I'm doing those things I want it. The girlfriend doesn't like either cigars or chewing so I had to pick one. Cigars won out. Good luck with battle and switching flavors is an interested idea. May have to try that!
Pete, I don't think I made it clear that
Mint Snuff is just what it says. It's 100% mint, no tobacco.
It has a nice little burn to it and it tastes really good, unlike a bunch of the other snuff substitutes out there, and there's lots of them.
There are
"sampler packs" on Amazon that are pretty cheap. You should give it a try.
My neighbor quit by switching to this stuff, as well. We're both pretty stoked about it.