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Old 08-22-2012, 07:38 PM   #1
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Default Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Well, I got married in May, and my Brother and Groomsmen thought it would be clever to write all over my truck with a stick of deoderant. I thought I had gotten it all off, but when it rains you can see streaks. I'm sure this isn't good for the paint job, much less my Windshield when it's raining.

Wasn't sure if a type of degreaser would work.
Ideas are appreciated.
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Old 08-22-2012, 07:43 PM   #2
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

have you tried Goo Gone?
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Old 08-22-2012, 07:46 PM   #3
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

WD-40, works for road tar and heavy greases
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Old 08-22-2012, 07:46 PM   #4
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Try Dawn dish soap. If that doesnt work, WD40. Then GOO Gone as a last resort, as it may harm your paint job.

Oh, and tell your genius brother that youre supposed to use a bar of soap so that it can wash off easy... or kids finger paint.

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Old 08-22-2012, 07:47 PM   #5
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Use the orange cleaner that you can get from Home Depot. This is what many shops use to remove all oils, grease, etc before painting. I recommend a really good wax right after.
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:02 PM   #6
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post
Try Dawn dish soap. If that doesnt work, WD40. Then GOO Gone as a last resort, as it may harm your paint job.

Oh, and tell your genius brother that youre supposed to use a bar of soap so that it can wash off easy... or kids finger paint.
Oh no. He knew what he was doing
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:20 PM   #7
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Dawn dish soap should work for you. I personally use optimum power clean to remove any wax/sealant from painted surfaces before starting a full detail.
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:26 PM   #8
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

More expensive, but there is a product I use with any auto I'm painting or touching up. Called Pre Kleeno, by RM. It will strip almost any goo, wax, silicone, oil or other chemicals that can negatively effect paint. Without damaging the paint. It's made specifically for cleaning surfaces before (and between) coats of automotive paint. Harder to find than the other suggestions offered, for sure. But if these other methods fail, you might try the RM. Probably have to seek out a store that sells auto paint. On the plus side, my can was purchased in the early 1980's, and was still good when I used some this past weekend. BE WARNED: Because it is designed to take off wax, especially, you must re-wax any areas you ultimate clean with it.

An easier to find alternative, but more arm power involved..... Turtle wax No. 7 white polishing compound. Only very slightly abrasive, it will never-the-less buff out many surface issues. Use it with a soft damp/wet cloth first. If that isn't enough, lessen the amount of water in the rag. Apply only by hand in circular action, and you shouldn't end up with swirls (any minor swirls are easily covered with wax). No. 7 will work on glass, chrome and paint. It even does a great job on aging plastic headlight covers. Apply, work it in, let it dry, then buff it off. After it is all removed, again you will need to wax the areas you use it on (except glass or chrome). I wax the plastic on my headlights after I use it, to extend the time I need to do them again. Again, labor intensive, and best in the shade on surfaces that are not too hot. And work in small areas at a time.

Good luck with it. If you go with the hand polishing, make that brother help. And tell him that if he screws it up, you will spray his car with brake fluid!!
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:46 PM   #9
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Totally forgot: you can pick up a can of Kleen-strip prep-all at Walmart in the automotive section. That would do a great job as well. But like cliff said, you'll need to reapply some type of paint protection (wax/sealant/nano coating) to properly protect your paint afterwards.
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Old 08-22-2012, 09:07 PM   #10
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A clay bar might work, but it's hardly abrasive, so it might not be strong enough.
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Old 08-22-2012, 09:13 PM   #11
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

Pre Kleeno. Buy it from a local auto paint specialty shop.
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Old 08-23-2012, 02:15 PM   #12
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Default Re: Idea to remove Deoderant off of Truck?

I'm Earl Scheib, and I'll paint any car, any color, for $29.95.
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