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Old 03-06-2012, 08:33 PM   #421
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Looking at your graph it appears you had a good few games lately!
Since you like to camp, you should consider unlocking the portable radar instead of the BB, it is an amazing little device for securing an area, your team mates can use it as well.
How does the portable radar work? I tried it a couple of times and I didn't see anything. I usually play HC, does it only work when the UAV is up?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 View Post
I really like the new maps. I am mostly a Run N Gunner, so Piazza is awesome, but I do love Liberation as it is fun to sit back and snipe sometimes.

What Turtle Beach headset are you all using?
I bought the new X32 with the variable wireless, while it is not surround sound, I like it. It does eat batteries, but I did not want a cord going across the room while I play. I have not had any interference issues and the sound quality is good. I think they were $99. I might eventually get the signal processor to upgrade them to surround sound. The new X42s were not out yet when I got them.
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Old 03-07-2012, 06:36 AM   #422
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Originally Posted by elderboy02 View Post
What Turtle Beach headset are you all using?
I'm using the Turtle Beach PX-21. It has separate controls for the game volume, chat, mic on/off and bass management. Great headset.
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Old 03-07-2012, 06:43 AM   #423
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 View Post
How does the portable radar work? I tried it a couple of times and I didn't see anything. I usually play HC, does it only work when the UAV is up?
No it works all the time, I don't play HC so I do not know if it is different.

You place it and it gives you a UAV like sweep on your map in a large radius of the area you placed it. All team mates can see the sweep on their map too. If you have a few people place them at key locations you can really benefit as a team and you can actually do away with the UAV perk all together.
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Old 03-07-2012, 07:56 AM   #424
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
No it works all the time, I don't play HC so I do not know if it is different.

You place it and it gives you a UAV like sweep on your map in a large radius of the area you placed it. All team mates can see the sweep on their map too. If you have a few people place them at key locations you can really benefit as a team and you can actually do away with the UAV perk all together.
In hardcore, you have to contantly be checking your map with the portable radar, which I do anyways. If you don't frequently check the map, every 10 seconds or so, it won't be of much help.
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:00 AM   #425
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
In hardcore, you have to contantly be checking your map with the portable radar, which I do anyways. If you don't frequently check the map, every 10 seconds or so, it won't be of much help.
Oh there is no hud map in HC? That would take away much of the purpose of using a portable radar if that is the case. I can't stand HC so I am ignorant to the functions of equipment in that game type.
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:02 AM   #426
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Yeah, completely useless in HC IMO unless you have a team where someone is constantly throwing up the UAV. With the new maps I've been forced to play modes other than TDM, which is both good and bad. It reinforced my loathing of Kill Confirmed but it made me really appreciate S&D. Especially on Liberation
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:05 AM   #427
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Oh there is no hud map in HC? That would take away much of the purpose of using a portable radar if that is the case. I can't stand HC so I am ignorant to the functions of equipment in that game type.
No HUD map, you have to constantly be checking your map on your own. You also don't get to see where you got shot from. This is porbably why the better players play hardcore and the noobs stick to regular. Must be nice to know where everyone is all the time.
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:11 AM   #428
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
No HUD map, you have to constantly be checking your map on your own. You also don't get to see where you got shot from. This is porbably why the better players play hardcore and the noobs stick to regular. Must be nice to know where everyone is all the time.
Actually most noobs I know like HC better so they can camp and not reveal their position when firing. Also they can get kills easier, snipers are almost always OSOK. Most noobs complain that it is too hard to kill in regular and therefore prefer HC. The better players I know (some are semi-pro) all play regular, most play Dom though and not TDM. I prefer regular CTF myself but don't get to play it much because I don't like to play without a full team. I have been playing Team Tac mostly lately.

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
Yeah, completely useless in HC IMO unless you have a team where someone is constantly throwing up the UAV. With the new maps I've been forced to play modes other than TDM, which is both good and bad. It reinforced my loathing of Kill Confirmed but it made me really appreciate S&D. Especially on Liberation
I love S&D, it is so much more intense without respawns. My best game was 11-0 a couple weeks ago. We play Team Tac alot and always vote for S&D if possible.

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Old 03-07-2012, 08:20 AM   #429
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I agree with your assessment on noobs in HC Shane. However, all it takes is a player or two in the game like ucubed to make them pay for their extended camping sessions. Its actually quite hilarious as they get very upset when receiving some well-deserved punishment. LOL

I prefer HC simply because to me, it is a more realistic experience. I like not knowing where my enemies are located. I like that its not just bedlam run-n-gun on a map. The tactical part really floats my boat.

I couldn't agree more on S&D. It is a very INTENSE game! I'm almost never the bomb-runner in the game. I generally stick to the perimeter of the map and pick off enemies for the runner as he approaches them. It works very well most of the time. However, a few times during the last few S&D matches all my team mates get killed before I can set up their path for them. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to take out an entire enemy team as a sniper while still planting the bomb in time.
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:35 AM   #430
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
I agree with your assessment on noobs in HC Shane. However, all it takes is a player or two in the game like ucubed to make them pay for their extended camping sessions. Its actually quite hilarious as they get very upset when receiving some well-deserved punishment. LOL

I prefer HC simply because to me, it is a more realistic experience. I like not knowing where my enemies are located. I like that its not just bedlam run-n-gun on a map. The tactical part really floats my boat.

I couldn't agree more on S&D. It is a very INTENSE game! I'm almost never the bomb-runner in the game. I generally stick to the perimeter of the map and pick off enemies for the runner as he approaches them. It works very well most of the time. However, a few times during the last few S&D matches all my team mates get killed before I can set up their path for them. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to take out an entire enemy team as a sniper while still planting the bomb in time.
I find HC is less tactical and more instinctual and requires more patience than Core. I find Core more tactical because there is more tactical equipment usable and more diversity among enemy play styles. As far as realism, hands down HC is way more realistic. I have argued this point on COD forums for years: I don't seek realism in my video games, I seek entertainment, tactics, team work & fun. To much realism can start to take away from entertaining IMHO. I am just glad we all have a choice of Core or HC so we can enjoy playing the type we most like. This all being said, I used to only play HC in MW2 until the noob tubers took over the game.
I love to run'n'gun, running around killing at a fast pace, but I really add value when I play defensive. I wish we were all on xbox.

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 View Post
Must be nice to know where everyone is all the time.
Don't forget, the enemy knows where you are as well.
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:40 AM   #431
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Here's to hoping they can find a vehicle for Xbox and PS3 owners to all play on the same network. THAT would be worth paying a monthly fee
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:45 AM   #432
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
Here's to hoping they can find a vehicle for Xbox and PS3 owners to all play on the same network. THAT would be worth paying a monthly fee
That would be incredible!
I played a game before that allowed PC users and xbox users to play together, it was awesome.
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Old 03-07-2012, 10:18 AM   #433
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If you have a problem with campers, then I would suggest a portable radar or heartbeat sensor. Now I typically only use heartbeat on S & D, but typically campers with a sniper of the sort use quickdraw and not assassin unlike all my classes. If you play on HD then a class with a heartbeat sensor or one with Marksman can help tremendously.

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Old 03-07-2012, 10:31 AM   #434
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
That would be incredible!
I played a game before that allowed PC users and xbox users to play together, it was awesome.
Yeah but that would be really unfair on the xbox users as even with max sensitivity on my controller it never felt as fast as my nice razor mouse and unfair for the PC users if auto-aim was kept on.

Although i would enjoy the sheer slaughter of it.

PS. camping is a legit tactic just memorise the main spots and if you get killed time and time again going for those revenge kills remember its your own fault if your e-peen morals dont allow you to flash+nade+shotty+tube someone camping in a corner well thats your problem and my points <3
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Old 03-07-2012, 10:51 AM   #435
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 View Post
Yeah but that would be really unfair on the xbox users as even with max sensitivity on my controller it never felt as fast as my nice razor mouse and unfair for the PC users if auto-aim was kept on.

Although i would enjoy the sheer slaughter of it.

PS. camping is a legit tactic just memorise the main spots and if you get killed time and time again going for those revenge kills remember its your own fault if your e-peen morals dont allow you to flash+nade+shotty+tube someone camping in a corner well thats your problem and my points <3
There are components you can buy to slap on a mouse and keyboard for XBOX and PS3, but as I said earlier, the point of a console game is the controller. I understand using an arcade controller for fighting games because that's where it started, but I find those using keyboard and mouse on a console platform to be "lame" for a lack of better term.

As for cross platform, Counter-Strike: Go, it was suppose to be cross-platform (minus XBOX, don't even get me started to why they said no to Valve). As of today though, they nixed that project because "Due to the long, laborious and downright obtuse patching processes on consoles, Valve has decided to separate the two platforms so as to provide the best version of the game at all times instead of waiting for the certification committee to stop screwing around all day and actually do their jobs." Highly disappointed, but whatever, I'll just keep playing MW3
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Old 03-07-2012, 10:59 AM   #436
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This red tape and paperwork is why ive gone off consoles (apart from the xboxs built quality being downright crap) for anything els than a few FPS and driving games the fact you "get what your given and like it" annoys me.

PC VS XBOX i would enjoy - they say no
Skyrim modding kit for xbox/ps3 - they say no
The list goes on.
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Old 03-08-2012, 06:29 AM   #437
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 View Post
How does the portable radar work? I tried it a couple of times and I didn't see anything. I usually play HC, does it only work when the UAV is up?
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
No it works all the time, I don't play HC so I do not know if it is different.

You place it and it gives you a UAV like sweep on your map in a large radius of the area you placed it. All team mates can see the sweep on their map too. If you have a few people place them at key locations you can really benefit as a team and you can actually do away with the UAV perk all together.
You also get an audible indicator when opponents have been detected, which is helpful so you don't have to keep your eyes on the mini-map.
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Old 03-14-2012, 05:09 PM   #438
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:12 AM   #439
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 View Post
PS. camping is a legit tactic just memorise the main spots and if you get killed time and time again going for those revenge kills remember its your own fault if your e-peen morals dont allow you to flash+nade+shotty+tube someone camping in a corner well thats your problem and my points <3
I don't have any problem destroying campers. I just find them cheap and boring. If they wanna lay in a corner, get one kill on me and get destroyed the rest of the game, so be it.

Moving on, I played the new map last night. It was okay. I really wish I could play DLC on any game type I prefer. I dislike KC and that is all I was getting as an option.

Originally Posted by ucla695 View Post
You also get an audible indicator when opponents have been detected, which is helpful so you don't have to keep your eyes on the mini-map.
Really? I never knew that. I will have to listen for this, what is the indicator?
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:24 AM   #440
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Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
Really? I never knew that. I will have to listen for this, what is the indicator?
It's hard to explain, but it's a deep pinging sound. Check it out.

I don't think I'd be able to hear it without the headset.
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