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Old 02-29-2012, 07:44 AM   #1
Brooks W
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Default Re: No.9 Lineage?

Here are all of the lines of the Liga Privada that someone could possibly get (i.e. not just made for the crew in Nica). Please note: Undercrown is NOT a Liga Privada blend, so is not on this list, but it IS made by the same people, and with some of the same tobacco as Liga Privada)...

LP #9
Flying Pig #9
Flying Pig T52
Feral Flying Pig
Dirty Rat
UF-13 (sometimes called MF-13...These are basically handed out a some events by JD, Saka or Marvin)
UF-4 (Sometimes called MF-4 or the JD-4, or even the Saka MF-4)...These have been handed out at events and there was a sale of some bundles of them at Casa de Montecristo late last year).
LP "A" (These are event cigars, given out in boxes of 2 when you buy a box of LP at certain events)
Ratzilla (This was a stick that is supposed to go into production this year, some early samples were handed out at events last year)

There are MANY MANY different blends, preproduction sticks, cigars made for certain people/events, etc, but most of those have less than 100 or so made, and some have as few as 10 made...

For example, there was a "Unico Piglet" made, here is the quote from Saka about it: "very small batch production of an uber-peppery smaller format perfecto. I distributed a few at the annual LP evening I do every March at Top Shelf in Dover, NH. It happens to be the store where my college age son works. I found it too harsh, it lacked finesse imo, so I never had anymore made, nor have we worked on improving the blend... I can't imagine I have given out more than a hundred of these."

(and I am probably forgetting one!)

Hope that helps!

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Old 02-29-2012, 07:57 AM   #2
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Default Re: No.9 Lineage?

i find it interesting that the undercrown is considered to not be a part of the LP line yet it uses tobacco from both the T52 and the No.9 AND it also has the trademark Griffin of the LP line.

im not sure why this is the case or if it even is the case. i have seen several references that it is not part of the line, but i personally have never seen it in a first hand source. it makes no sense to have it be a separate line all together.
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