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Old 10-26-2011, 01:41 PM   #1
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Default Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

I keep hearing good things about this new cigar bar, especially since my favorite "home base" B&M (Empire Cigars) partnered with them. They're hosting a scotch and cigar tasting flight on Thursday that looks pretty tempting. But so far I haven't made the time to actually go there, or really to any cigar bar for the last several years. I don't tend to like the "bar atmosphere" so experiences were somewhat mixed when I did get dragged to cigar bars by my herfing buddies.

Anyone been to Amra's and care to venture a review? Or your opinion of smoking at cigar bars in general? Most of the humidors I've seen in cigar bars are a) overpriced and b) dubiously maintained, which would obviously not be the case at Amra's since Empire got on board with them and took over that responsibility. But are they fun to smoke in? What do y'all think?
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Old 10-26-2011, 02:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Amra's is good, though a little loud. From what I remember the prices weren't too much if any over Empire's prices. They have a small selection of infused and more basic things up front, typically what most will want, and then theres a locked back room with the higher quality stuff, including some LEs that I haven't noticed at Empire.

I may show up for that tasting, still undecided. It would only be for the cigars though as I still have a few months to go til I can get that ever elusive horizontal license.
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Never been to Amras, but it looks nice. Wish I could make the tasting Thurs night but unfortunately I gotta work. Speaking of cigar clubs on Glenwood, has anyone ever been to Havana Deluxe? Just found out about it the other day. Looks like a hell hole...not even sure its still open lol.
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Old 10-26-2011, 08:13 PM   #4
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 View Post
Never been to Amras, but it looks nice. Wish I could make the tasting Thurs night but unfortunately I gotta work. Speaking of cigar clubs on Glenwood, has anyone ever been to Havana Deluxe? Just found out about it the other day. Looks like a hell hole...not even sure its still open lol.
I believe its still open. The only cigar bars still available in the triangle are Amra's, Havana Deluxe, and one out in Durham(Winston Churchill something or another?)

From what I've heard, Amra's is the better of the two in Raleigh, and I'm fine with that, its close enough to walk should I need to.
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Old 10-26-2011, 08:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

We have a pretty good cigar bar in the Portland, Oregon metro area; it is at a hotel, The Shilo Inn (a small chain out west). The cigar bar is called The Mark. It's been around for a long time and has had its share of ups and downs. Now they have 8 flat-screen TVs, Sunday NFL Ticket, and cable TV so we can watch six different football games at one time. It can hold about 60 people but Oregon law puts the ceiling at 44 people.

They have some pretty decent bartenders, an OK bar menu, and a dinner menu from the hotel restaurant that, while good is a little on the expensive side. The Friday/Saturday night prime rib is a really nice deal at $14.99.

They have a decent selection of liquor, wine and beer.

They have changed stores who manage their humidors several times. One of the nearby B&Ms had been managing well for several years but another store came in and offered a "better deal"; since then the overall quality has degraded as the store does a poor job monitoring the RH -- the Moist 'n Aire in one of them is on all the time so the sticks can be moldy. The bartenders and staff are aware of this and are putting pressure on the store to resolve the issues.

The regulars bring in their own sticks. There are "private" humidors under the TVs that many regulars use.

We all do our best to support the place, because we don't want to lose it.
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Old 11-14-2011, 07:13 PM   #6
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Ok so this is completely irrelevant to Amra's but I was driving down Hillsborough street today and stopped at College Beverage Mart (You know, NC State's most rundown and shady convenience store and home of the $79 keg of keystone light) and while I was waiting to check out, I notice they had a 'humidor' next to the condom/lubricant aisle. Well imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw it stocked full of Dutch Masters, White Owls, oh and two sealed boxes of FFOX Lost City Toros. Oh and some boxes of Don Carlos Presidentes, Hemingway Short Stories, and some cabinets of Davidoff's. All sitting next to the magazine rack with the latest issues of Black Tail Magazine and Penthouse. My only guess is that the owner of the store is a BOTL with a sense of humor. Most random thing I have ever seen in my life.

If you want a laugh, see it for yourself. I wanted to take a picture, but the old indian lady running the counter was giving me the stink eye.
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Old 11-14-2011, 07:17 PM   #7
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 View Post
Ok so this is completely irrelevant to Amra's but I was driving down Hillsborough street today and stopped at College Beverage Mart (You know, NC State's most rundown and shady convenience store and home of the $79 keg of keystone light) and while I was waiting to check out, I notice they had a 'humidor' next to the condom/lubricant aisle. Well imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw it stocked full of Dutch Masters, White Owls, oh and two sealed boxes of FFOX Lost City Toros. Oh and some boxes of Don Carlos Presidentes, Hemingway Short Stories, and some cabinets of Davidoff's. All sitting next to the magazine rack with the latest issues of Black Tail Magazine and Penthouse. My only guess is that the owner of the store is a BOTL with a sense of humor. Most random thing I have ever seen in my life.

If you want a laugh, see it for yourself. I wanted to take a picture, but the old indian lady running the counter was giving me the stink eye.
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Old 11-14-2011, 08:21 PM   #8
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 View Post
Ok so this is completely irrelevant to Amra's but I was driving down Hillsborough street today and stopped at College Beverage Mart (You know, NC State's most rundown and shady convenience store and home of the $79 keg of keystone light) and while I was waiting to check out, I notice they had a 'humidor' next to the condom/lubricant aisle. Well imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw it stocked full of Dutch Masters, White Owls, oh and two sealed boxes of FFOX Lost City Toros. Oh and some boxes of Don Carlos Presidentes, Hemingway Short Stories, and some cabinets of Davidoff's. All sitting next to the magazine rack with the latest issues of Black Tail Magazine and Penthouse. My only guess is that the owner of the store is a BOTL with a sense of humor. Most random thing I have ever seen in my life.

If you want a laugh, see it for yourself. I wanted to take a picture, but the old indian lady running the counter was giving me the stink eye.
how were the prices?
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Old 11-14-2011, 08:34 PM   #9
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

The only two I looked at were the FFOX LC Toros for $39.99 and the Don Carlos's for $12.99. Expensive, but I guess there's so many broke college kids out at 3 am looking for HTF Opus's that they can command those type of prices
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Old 11-14-2011, 11:37 PM   #10
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Originally Posted by MrWolf55 View Post
Ok so this is completely irrelevant to Amra's but I was driving down Hillsborough street today and stopped at College Beverage Mart (You know, NC State's most rundown and shady convenience store and home of the $79 keg of keystone light) and while I was waiting to check out, I notice they had a 'humidor' next to the condom/lubricant aisle. Well imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw it stocked full of Dutch Masters, White Owls, oh and two sealed boxes of FFOX Lost City Toros. Oh and some boxes of Don Carlos Presidentes, Hemingway Short Stories, and some cabinets of Davidoff's. All sitting next to the magazine rack with the latest issues of Black Tail Magazine and Penthouse. My only guess is that the owner of the store is a BOTL with a sense of humor. Most random thing I have ever seen in my life.

If you want a laugh, see it for yourself. I wanted to take a picture, but the old indian lady running the counter was giving me the stink eye.
Whelp, I know what I'm doin before work tomorrow.
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Old 11-15-2011, 03:14 PM   #11
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

So for S's & G's I bought one of those Don Carlos Presidentes last night and fired it up this afternoon after class. Wanted to find out how a gas station Don Carlos tasted

Pre-light it smelt horrible. Mixture between hookah and urinal cake. Some chocolately hints but otherwise nothing cigar-esque. The wrapper was ugly as sin and covered in splotches and many, many veins. Felt extremely dry to the touch but clipped well and smoked cool.

The aroma was wonderful and it held a crazy long ash; but that's about the only positive things I can say about this cigar. First of all, it was the mildest smoke I think I've ever had in my life (on the order of macanudo). I've never had the Presidente before, but I have had a few #3's and #4's and I dont ever remember them being this mild. In addition, all the DC flavors I remember were absent; no sweet-woody-cameroon goodness; just a harsh rubber taste that stayed there the entire way. The ash was yellow and black and not pretty at all.

Then about halfway through the ash fell and this happened-What the hell is this? Two wires hanging out? lol. This stick just keeps getting worse and worse. Who knows what the hell I'm smoking.

I'm still pretty green when it comes to cigars and I've still got a whole lot to learn. but I've had a couple DC's and this tasted like none I've ever smoked, or any Fuente at all for that matter. Instead of a mild/medium complex smoke I got a one dimensional overgrown Marlboro light. Maybe this guy's Fuente supplier is the same guy who supplies the straw markets in the Bahamas with EL 2007 Glasstop Cohiba Barberpoles lol.

I'd be interested in hearing what you experts on here think (I'm looking at you bear lol)
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:57 AM   #12
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Default Re: Anyone been to Amra's in Raleigh? Also, cigar bars in general

Haha, forgot to stop by yesterday as I was pretty busy. I'll try and stop by today. May grab something just to experiment as well. I wouldn't expect them to be any good after being stored with white owls and the like. Those things reek and infest everything else.
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