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Old 07-20-2011, 06:24 PM   #1
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Default Help With Humidor

My girlfriend is house sitting for a family friend and I noticed that the father has a small desktop humidor. I opened it up to inspect his tastes and I looked on in horror. The cigars are bone dry. He has a pretty good collection of NC Partagas, Cohiba, Macanudo, and others. Luckily there is not any cracking except for on one cigar, a Davidoff. Here is a picture of the 25-50 count humidor.

Have any of you guys heard of G Watts humidors?

I was going to try the dollar bill seal trick later and see if it has a good seal. If it turns out the seal is good then I am thinking of giving him my little humidification device I used in my desktop with other little ones as Bill just sent me a heartfelt tube I am going to use.

Do you guys think this would be big enough to keep it humidified? It is currently only humidified by a big clay thing that I don't think does anything useful.
Old 07-20-2011, 06:26 PM   #2
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I also can't tell if this is mold that dried out, severe plume, or dust on these two cigars. It is not on any of the other ones. It looks much worse in person.

Anyways, they come back in a week and I would love to surprise him with a functioning humidor. I don't know if he even smokes but it is sad to see the sticks all dried out. They aren't to the point of cracking so that leads me to believe that he does smoke.
Old 07-20-2011, 06:27 PM   #3
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

yes but id re-season it to be sure.

i would, if aloud, move the cigars to your proper humidor(assuming so). for a few weeks while you re-season his.

looks moldy?
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Old 07-20-2011, 06:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

I am hoping that I can season it and have everything ready when they get back. It looks like mold to me too but the cigars are bone dry so maybe it is dried mold?
Old 07-20-2011, 06:35 PM   #5
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

i dont think mold really dries. maybe wipe your finger across and see what happens?
I spent a lot of my money on booze, cigars, birds and fast cars, the rest I just squandered. -George Best
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Old 07-20-2011, 07:30 PM   #6
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by Devanmc View Post
i dont think mold really dries. maybe wipe your finger across and see what happens?
Thanks alot I have aids now.
Old 07-20-2011, 07:55 PM   #7
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Anyone else want to chime in?
Old 07-20-2011, 08:02 PM   #8
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Defiate with the xikar humidification, I would wipe it out, maybe even with a damp cloth damp not soaked, just lightly wipe it down, just to kinda kick start the seasoning part you could move the cigars to new storage and stick a bowl of warm water in there for a few days, and then move everyone back with you device! As far if that is mold hard to tell from the pics, nice looking humi though!
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:12 PM   #9
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Unless he asked you to revive them, I wouldn't mess with them.

If he does tell you to revive them, then just stick a humidifier in the humidor and close the lid. The humidor will season and cigars will all come up slowly together, which will help to keep them from suffering damage.

But really, I wouldn't mess with them. You're just his house sitter's B/F afterall. Him coming back to her letting you screw with his stuff is a pretty severe violation of the trust he has placed in her. This could create a serious issue for her and possibly even you too.

Close the lid, walk away.

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Old 07-21-2011, 09:18 AM   #10
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Unless he asked you to revive them, I wouldn't mess with them.

If he does tell you to revive them, then just stick a humidifier in the humidor and close the lid. The humidor will season and cigars will all come up slowly together, which will help to keep them from suffering damage.

But really, I wouldn't mess with them. You're just his house sitter's B/F afterall. Him coming back to her letting you screw with his stuff is a pretty severe violation of the trust he has placed in her. This could create a serious issue for her and possibly even you too.

Close the lid, walk away.

+1 It means you opened the lid to HIS humi to begin with.
Old 07-21-2011, 09:27 AM   #11
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Ugh, yeah. I would be PISSED if someone just opened up my humidor without asking or me knowing. Well, that goes for any item in my house. Not cool.

I would have waited for the father's return and then asking to see his collection. Most likely it's not going to be a problem that you did open it, but you never know.

Old 07-21-2011, 09:34 AM   #12
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

I agree with Adam. I see the trust issue they are talking about, and even though your intentions are good, someone could mistake your actions as untrustworthy. YOU know you only mean to help. But HE may see it differently.

Now, since it's a family friend, it depends on how close they are, and what the general "feel" of the relationship is to make a determined decision about what to do. But, we don't know the situation. Therefore, we must advise on the side of caution, and recommend nothing be done to remedy his cigar issue.

Would I be pissed if a family friend's BF opened my humi when they were housesitting for me? Maybe a little, but after knowing they were actually into the hobby seriously, and not just poking around my stuff, I would not be mad in the slightest. BUT, I am not him.
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:34 AM   #13
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Unless he asked you to revive them, I wouldn't mess with them.
Close the lid, walk away.
+1. I understand your curiosity and why you would want to help, but unless the humidor was specifically listed as an item for your GF to take care of, I would leave it alone.
Old 07-21-2011, 10:03 AM   #14
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

What is he hiding in his underwear drawer??

I am surprised you would think to further mess with his stuff to the point of "fixing" his humidor. None of that is
any of your affair, as near as I can tell. And to take PICTURES of it?
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Old 07-21-2011, 12:02 PM   #15
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Well I can see how it would be awkward if it was a random family but I have known them my whole life. They are best friends with my parents and practically family. I used to babysit their kids when I was younger and we went on joint family vacations. I am going to hold off on doing anything and just ask him about it when they get back. The humidor is sitting out in plain sight so I didn't violate his privacy. It is sitting when you first walk in the door where it is painfully obvious. I don't think he would care anyways. As far as the picture goes it was just on my phone so it's not like I set up a photoshoot lol. I just wanted to see about helping him revive the dried up sticks as he has some really expensive ones that have dried out.
Old 07-21-2011, 02:18 PM   #16
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

I agree with everyone else who advise against doing aything. Closets and chests of drawers are in plain sight. Do you think you don't violate someone's privacy by opening them up?

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Old 07-21-2011, 02:37 PM   #17
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by Wallbright View Post
I don't know if he even smokes
Originally Posted by Wallbright View Post
I have known them my whole life. They are best friends with my parents and practically family.
Think about what you said here, leave his things alone. Advice given, and worth the you didn't pay for it.
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Old 07-21-2011, 02:38 PM   #18
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
I agree with everyone else who advise against doing aything. Closets and chests of drawers are in plain sight. Do you think you don't violate someone's privacy by opening them up?

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I know that I personally would not like it. It's why we don't have housesitters outside of immediate family. And then, when my son is watching the house I lock my humidors. Not that he could not get into it if he wanted, but he needs an obvious reminder to stay out of somethings...
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Old 07-21-2011, 02:51 PM   #19
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by replicant_argent View Post
Think about what you said here, leave his things alone. Advice given, and worth the you didn't pay for it.
Well I know he smokes cigars but I don't know how frequently. He has only smoked a few times in front of me and we don't hangout everyday so I have no way of telling.

I don't know. I think that the cigar forum people, us, are a different breed. To most of those here cigars are almost holy and if someone touches your sh!t you freak out lol. Idk it's not that big of a deal to me. I wouldn't care if someone came in and looked at my stash as long as they didn't take anything or hurt them. If the cigars were on the verge of being ruined and they saved them they I would be grateful. This is only a 25 count humidor we are talking about here. It is not like it is some of the 3000+ count humidors. I planned on asking him about it all next week though when they get back. I think you guys have blown this way out of proportion.
Old 07-21-2011, 02:55 PM   #20
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Default Re: Help With Humidor

Originally Posted by Wallbright View Post
I think you guys have blown this way out of proportion.
I think you didn't get the response you were expecting.
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