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Old 05-13-2011, 04:12 PM   #1
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Default Bulging Discs in back?

After a month of being in pain, I had an MRI today and found out that I have not one but two Bulging Disc's in my very lower back.
Im in so much pain that Percocet & beer wont even cure it. So I am getting an injection on Monday to get me through until I can see a Nero-Surgeon on June 8. Has any here ever had a surgery for a bulging disc in their back?
What can I expect?
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:27 PM   #2
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

I've got a a bad back also, going on about 3 yrs. now, I have had x rays but they can't find anything, maybe an MRI is in order for me also, I hope you can get yours fixed up, good luck.
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:33 PM   #3
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I had an Xray 1st and it showed nothing. It took an MRI for them to diagnose me.
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:36 PM   #4
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

No personal experience with bulging discs but from what heard you will always have some kind of pain. Even after any surgery you will continue to have back problems. I guess it just a matter of how well the surgery goes...

Good luck and I hope it works out for you....
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:37 PM   #5
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Good info. I may need one, thanks.
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:37 PM   #6
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate View Post
After a month of being in pain, I had an MRI today and found out that I have not one but two Bulging Disc's in my very lower back.
Im in so much pain that Percocet & beer wont even cure it. So I am getting an injection on Monday to get me through until I can see a Nero-Surgeon on June 8. Has any here ever had a surgery for a bulging disc in their back?
What can I expect?
To feel a million times better after surgery. If you're like me.

For many months, I couldn't sit and couldn't bend over enough to touch my knees. Immediately after surgery I could touch my toes, no problem. recovery wasn't too bad, just listen to the Dr and don't overdue it.

Now, 6 yrs later, all I need to do is stay in shape (if I don't walk or exercise my back will get sore) and I can do anything without any issues. I really wish I would have gotten surgery earlier.

I can tell you I met with many Dr's and settled on a Neurosurgeon to have the procedure, as the others I met with I didn't like (especially the orthopedic surgeons - they were a-holes).

Good luck, find a good Dr, listen to him/her and you'll be great.
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:40 PM   #7
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by Trkdrvremt View Post
No personal experience with bulging discs but from what heard you will always have some kind of pain. Even after any surgery you will continue to have back problems. I guess it just a matter of how well the surgery goes...

Good luck and I hope it works out for you....
Not for me. The only time my back is sore is if I don't do any exercise for a month or so. Then I am more prone to get a sore back, but frankly I deserve it for being lazy!

My surgery was to cut off a severely ruptured, bulging disc, but I did not need fusing or artificial attaching of vertebrae. Dr. said don't lift a fridge by myself, stay in shape (at least walk every day) and do whatever else I need to. Been working.
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Old 05-13-2011, 04:45 PM   #8
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

I know exactly how you feel, the disks between L4,L5 and L5,S1 like to bulge out occasionally, the last time it took me 6 months before I broke down and went to the doctor, at that point I could barely put a sock on or drive my car because it hut so much to push in the clutch. After a prednisone pack I was pretty good but it still took 9 months of doing back bends on the floor before they were back to feeling good again.
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Old 05-13-2011, 05:55 PM   #9
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Take your MRI to a reputable chiropractor. There's another option available that's non-invasive. I can't remember the name of the machine or treatment method but basically they strap you to a table that stretches you out. You're muscles will be stretched, the disks will be allowed to slip back into place, you'll spend about $2,000 to $3,000, and in less than two months you'll be feeling great. After that just stay in shape and be smart when you lift things.

Anyway, wouldn't hurt to get an opinion. That's my two cents.

And I sincerely hope whatever option you choose your pain abates soon!
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:01 PM   #10
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While anecdotal references are sometimes helpful, this is a question you should ask your doctor. If you are not happy with his answers seek out a second opinion.
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:09 PM   #11
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I hope you feel better, Travis.

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Old 05-13-2011, 06:16 PM   #12
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by bobarian View Post
While anecdotal references are sometimes helpful, this is a question you should ask your doctor. If you are not happy with his answers seek out a second opinion.
Totally agree.
first and foremost, thanks to MRI's, they can now tell 2/3's of the world has bulging discs.
A bulging disc is not a herniated disc.
A herniated disc does not necessarily cause impingement, more known as radiculopathy.

I have two full blown herniations, with impingement, at L4-L5, L5-S1.
The L4-L5 is where half the world suffers from it.
Cervical is where the other half does.

I have been like this for 23 years.
I have good years and bad ones.
Thanks to acupuncture, I have had two great years so far.

Like a great doctor and family friend once told me an I have followed.......when you find yourself in the fetal position for a month and can't move due to pain and being drugged, consider surgery. Until then, live like 2/3's of the world with pain or find an auto accident to enrich you or let my fraud opration get you.
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Old 05-13-2011, 06:22 PM   #13
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Best cure.........lose weight.
Do leg raises and other exercise to strengthen back.

Most folks I know post surgery are not much better than before.

I was going to see the most reknowned surgeon in South Florida. Then I learned he operated Derrick Thomas, of the KC Chiefs who I believe is no longer on Earth due to complications post surgery to repair his back.
He was operated by this same famous surgeon.
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Old 05-13-2011, 07:06 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TheTraveler View Post
Take your MRI to a reputable chiropractor. There's another option available that's non-invasive. I can't remember the name of the machine or treatment method but basically they strap you to a table that stretches you out. You're muscles will be stretched, the disks will be allowed to slip back into place, you'll spend about $2,000 to $3,000...
Healthcare costs are ridiculous. Three grand to get strapped into a device made famous during the Spanish Inquisition.
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Old 05-13-2011, 07:33 PM   #15
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate View Post
After a month of being in pain, I had an MRI today and found out that I have not one but two Bulging Disc's in my very lower back.
Im in so much pain that Percocet & beer wont even cure it. So I am getting an injection on Monday to get me through until I can see a Nero-Surgeon on June 8. Has any here ever had a surgery for a bulging disc in their back?
What can I expect?
Have 2 Ruptured Discs @ L4-5 & L5-S1. Had 2 Epidurals 2 Weeks Apart & I'm Fine, Now, After 3 Years With No Surgery. Try The Conservative Approach First.
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Old 05-13-2011, 08:58 PM   #16
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Last year I was diagnosed with 3 herniated discs in my neck. 6 weeks of physical therapy and a bit more on my own after, I"m doing great. Like nothing even happened. Like Greg says, try the conservative approach first. Surgery should be the last option.
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Old 05-13-2011, 10:53 PM   #17
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

After 15 years of dealing with 2 herniated discs I couldn't stand to long, tie my shoes and picking anything up was out of the question. Your Dr. may say they can fix you but I'd try the acupuncture and physical therapy before the surgery option. I had my first surgery in May 02 to repair the discs in Sept 03 I had to have them go back in and repair the repair and take out scar tissue and in Sept 06 I had a fusion and cage put in. I am now in a position where I have so much scar tissue that has crept into the sciatic canal that no surgeon will touch me for fair of causing paralysis. Do all you can before taking the surgery...IMHO... I wish you well my friend
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Old 05-14-2011, 03:54 AM   #18
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I am at the other and as of April 6 I am now fused from C5 - C7. All I can offer is a warning on the percocets.

They are like a gift from an angel when you furst start taking them and then 3 days later your dried up like a cold lava flow. Get som Senna tablets or some kind of stool softener and take them every day. If you think the pain is bad now imagine it x10 as you are stuck on the can and things aren't working as they should be.
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Old 05-14-2011, 04:17 AM   #19
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There is no stock answer, as everyone's condition is different. I do know I've seen enough people after surgery that either didn't improve or actually got worse that surgery would be the last resort for me.

Chiropractor and exercising have worked for me.
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Old 05-14-2011, 07:01 AM   #20
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Many great responses to avoid surgery as I have practiced.

My biggest warning here is that no good doctor will recommend surgery for bulging discs. NONE.
Whoever does, run like hell.
2/3 of the world is walking around with bulging discs and always has.
It is natural as part of gravity and weight.

Herniations? Totally different discussion, specially when there is a rupture or impingement as I have previously stated.
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