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Old 04-10-2011, 09:12 AM   #1
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Default 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Here's a link.

I watched a big do-up/interview on this last night.
The background here is the kid had gone to a special behavioral school for some time, and the doctors decided that he was ready to get mainstreamed back into regular school via the special behavioral unit they have at the elementary school.
Aiden freaked out, tore off a piece of sharp moulding, and ran everyone out of the room with it. He bunkerized his new compound, and announced that if anyone came in, they were getting killed.
He was good enough to tell the cops the same thing when they arrived, so he earned himself a heaping helping of pepper spray.
Amazingly enough, he IMMEDIATELY came around to everyone else's way of thinking.

Charges have not been filed against the kid or the police. The kid's mother and grandmother still clearly have no clue, but they're pretty smart about cutting their losses.

In the interview, there wasn't much the young man truly understood, but he definately understood that pepper spray sucks.
When I watched the story, I have to admit that I was thrilled that the police put a swift and immediate end to this kid's act. They made a clear impression on him that will last a lifetime. The impression that even precious flowers eventually suffer consequences.
I honestly believe that this single action by the police may give this kid a new lease on life, or at least they gave him an opportunity to change. How long it will last depends on the parents (who might just have learned a lesson, too).

If any of you guys have caught this story or saw the interview, what did you think?
To qualify my position, if any of my kids were ever acting like this, I would certainly hope the police would take similar action. And then come back next week to reinforce the point they were trying to make.
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:19 AM   #2
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My parents would have charged the classroom themselves and beat my ass all the way home. The Police would have been the LEAST of my worries.
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:22 AM   #3
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

The cops would never have made it for me until after my dad had choked me out. As a child of parents who were almost in their 40's when they had me I was a generation apart and missed the whole Dr Spock praise praise praise and no punishment generation. This kid seemed to be the pentultimate example of never being told no. Hopefully this tough slap in the face will bring him around but I doubt mom and gradma will reinforce the idea.
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:42 AM   #4
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

I like a nice feel-good story to start the week.

In that situation the cops are less likely to hurt the kid with a blast of pepper spray than if they tried to physically restrain him and ended up accidently dislocating his shoulder or breaking his arm or something.

Maybe the cops can comeback next week and pepper-spray the kid and his parents.
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:49 AM   #5
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

No doubt the police acted appropriately. But if the boy is mentally ill I'm afraid it's not likely the pepper spray will give him a "new lease on life". The next time he suffers an episode his memory of this incident will play no part in determining his actions.
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:50 AM   #6
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

The article that I read indicated that the teachers barricaded themselves and the other kids in a room and that the out of control kid was trying to get to them. The kid had a spear, intended to use it, announced his intention and got sprayed after the police could not talk him down (they apparently had prior contact with the kid).

The article that I read indicated that the mom said something to the effect that the kid deserved what he got. Dunno if that was rumor or something else.
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Old 04-10-2011, 10:35 AM   #7
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

F*** with the bull and you get the horns. Sorry the kid had to get sprayed, but he brought it on himself, and as Rick mentioned, he was much less likely to get permanently hurt this way than by physical restraint.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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Old 04-10-2011, 10:48 AM   #8
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

The mom and the kid were on the Today show earlier this week.
The mom made no apologies.
Said he was a very good kid everywhere and only acts up in school.

Meantime, ifnit was my kid during that interview, I would have cracked him a shot and told him to sit right and get his feet off someone else's furniture.

That kid is sadly a ticking time bomb and his mother is no help.

Here is the Today link.
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Old 04-10-2011, 12:06 PM   #9
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Angry Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

That really pisses me off. From the video Carlos posted, this isn't the first time the police had to come (she mentioned that they have had to talk him down repeatedly in the past), and that he is mentally sound. I wish they had launched cs gas through the window and tazered the little turd. Maybe throw some waterboarding in there for good measure. The kid hasn't ever been punished, every time he goes ape-sh!t he gets talked down and babied by his mother and the cops drop the charges. I really hope he doesn't pass a psych screening and become a marine. This kid is a perfect example of the last two horrible generations. (at least gen X didn't really pull this kind of bull)
Like Jason my parents were in their 40's when I was born. They taught me right, and I got spanked. I'm a little twisted but I think I function decently.
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Old 04-10-2011, 12:20 PM   #10
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

I went to an all boys catholic high school where the teachers, priests, and brothers wouldn't of needed the cops, they would of charged the room themselves with paddles. you know the old school wooden boards with holes drilled into them.
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Old 04-10-2011, 01:00 PM   #11
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

I hope that one day we get a little more for our money and actually SEE and HEAR a refutation by the
psychological community that this whole Time-out chair mentality has been a big step back for
American society. You can plot the behavior on a chart from where my parents were and the way I and
others like me turned out to the way these generations have turned out. Add in the internet and you are
going to see an exponential rise in this kind of behavior. I got may a$$ whipped SEVERELY as a child,
because I was a limits-tester. Early and often, sometimes 40-50 good licks with the belt. And I can tell
my mother is gratified by the fact that I never held it against them or stated that I thought they were
wrong. My mother dreaded parent-teacher night, because invariably the story I was telling and the story
they later got from the teacher was completely divergent. She was always embarassed to hear the real story.
Those were usually the worst beatings. But they took their responsibility seriously and raised three smart,
well-thought of children who became well-adjusted adults who understand personal responsibility. Pity
this country the children they have spawned with this everbody gets a trophy, no beatings at home or
in school drooling doofus squad. Ironic that society has forced us to consider SO MUCH the impressions of
others as to how we raise our own children, and yet somehow this results in generations of children who could
CARE LESS what people think of them. Our society functions best when each child thinks first about how
his behavior affects the lives of others.
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Old 04-10-2011, 01:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

so, according to his mom, he "doesn't have these issues at home," or somesuch.

That tells me that he is probably just a little sh!t when he doesn't think he is going to get into trouble. The professionals don't think there is an actual mental problem with him, mom says? Okay, that leaves a simple discipline problem.
I may not be the worlds greatest dad, but I can recognize bullsh!t when I see it.
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Old 04-10-2011, 01:27 PM   #13
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Originally Posted by rrplasencia View Post
I went to an all boys catholic high school where the teachers, priests, and brothers wouldn't of needed the cops, they would of charged the room themselves with paddles. you know the old school wooden boards with holes drilled into them.
I got this kind of treatment when I was in Catholic school during kinder and 1st. That school and it's treatment of kids is the exact reason I turned form God until my late 20's. That school showed me that God was represented by some old whore with a paddle that showed not love but hate. If God is represented by nuns, and nuns just scream, speak of Satan, and hit kids, then God must hate humans, right?
Originally Posted by OLS View Post
Our society functions best when each child thinks first about how
his behavior affects the lives of others.
This part of what you mentioned is very true. Of course, adults should be a little more creative than just having to smack someone. When we are adults if we smack each other to prove a point it is unacceptable. As parents it is our job to teach our children how to function in society, among other things. Beating the sh*t out of them shows them what, that when we can't control another person we should hit them? Interesting.

I don't think this kid's behavior is excusable. Something, maybe even pepper spray, needs/needed to be done about him. He is an extreme example and all of society should not be judged based on how this one kid acts. I'm pretty tired of hearing all of this "old school" kids deverve a whoopin' sh*t though. My father beat us. He is a POS and it didn't teach us anything except to hate and detest him. It took us a while to get past the BS anger issues instilled in us from the abuse we took as children. Might does not equal right. I can beat the hell out of most people that stood in my way if I chose. Try challenging yourselves and figure out a more creative solution to your problems.

For the record, I still don't think this kid's behavior is justified. There is a real issue hear that does need to be dealt with, though. And others should not need to suffer or be put in danger due to his issues.
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Old 04-10-2011, 02:44 PM   #14
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Good for the police. My parents would have asked if they could just mace us whenever we miss behaved. Hell I'd have gotten my ass kicked the whole way home while they were driving.

Probably put in a complaint with the PD that pepper sprayed me saying they didn't use enough.

Kids and parents these days.
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Old 04-10-2011, 02:49 PM   #15
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

While teaching kids their actions have effects on others is very important, it is not more important than teaching them personal responsibility. That can be stressed and taught far before second grade. It is also a lost cause for many, anathema to some, and unthinkable to an unfortunate and growing minority.
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Old 04-10-2011, 02:52 PM   #16
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

I think the reason the mother claims he doesn't have these problems at home is because she is either lying or just lets him run the house as he sees fit. Also it looks like Mark is right, the little turd had them trapped in a room. He admitted that he wanted the piece of wood to be pointy, to "hit them with", he pretty obviously wanted to stab them. As far as I'm concerned he should be charged with a felony (assault, attempted murder) for each person he had cornered in that room. I wouldn't want him to serve time, I feel that could only make him worse. I just don't want him to be able to own a gun or join the armed forces.
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Old 04-10-2011, 03:00 PM   #17
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

I think the key difference between his upbringing, mine and the way I raised my kids is I would have had by butt inverted by my dad's foot.
I would be be bed bound for months.
I would have my favorite toys literally thrown away, regardless of what my dad paid for them.
Lastly, my dad would express shame and the very last thing he would ever, ever do is defend me or justify my actions.
That is the way I raised my kids. They are not perfect but have never been criminals.
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Old 04-10-2011, 03:00 PM   #18
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Just cut off his foot and be done with it already. Teach that little rebellious punk once and for all.
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Old 04-10-2011, 03:08 PM   #19
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Originally Posted by mariogolbee View Post
I'm pretty tired of hearing all of this "old school" kids deverve a whoopin' sh*t though. My father beat us. He is a POS and it didn't teach us anything except to hate and detest him.
There is a line between beating your kids and discipline and I think its pretty clear. I don't agree with hitting your kids, or physically contacting them in anger. I got spanked pretty often for a few years and after I got the point almost never. My stepdouche liked to toss me around ( I remember him once repeatedly full palm belting me across the face while I was in the shower) but my mom and dad didn't.
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Old 04-10-2011, 03:18 PM   #20
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Default Re: 8 year old kid gets pepper sprayed by the police.

Originally Posted by backwoods357 View Post
There is a line between beating your kids and discipline and I think its pretty clear. I don't agree with hitting your kids, or physically contacting them in anger. I got spanked pretty often for a few years and after I got the point almost never. My stepdouche liked to toss me around ( I remember him once repeatedly full palm belting me across the face while I was in the shower) but my mom and dad didn't.
I agree with being anti beatings.
However, one swift solid foot up the a$$ requiring a proctologist to remove the shoe is perfect for this situation.
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