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Old 08-01-2010, 06:12 PM   #1
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default How many trips to Lowes does it take... replace a bathtub drain gasket? In my case, 4.

The drain on my bathtub's been leaking on/off for a while now. Nothing bad, but enough to give me a wet foot should I go down to the basement anytime shortly after using the shower. The drain just happens to be right above the bottom step. So this past week the leak became a bit more pronounced. Today I decided to finally get off my lazy a$$ and fix it.

Trip 1 - head to Lowes to get the tool that'll remove the drain. Tried the screwdriver/channel locks trick. No go there. Try the removal tool. Still not budging and now the metal bars at the bottom of the drain are nearly bent and broken off.

Trip 2 - back to Lowes to get a hacksaw to cut a notch in the old drain to fit a flat head screwdriver in. Use a hammer and screwdriver to break the drain free. Hey, that $13 removal tool actually works now that things are all loosened up. I'll find a nice spot in my tool chest for it, next to that tool for ratcheting parking brake calipers back in.

Trip 3 - pull into my usual parking spot to head inside to get a new drain and gaskets. Girl working the return counter just inside the door waves and calls me by name as she says hello. New drain in hand, head home to finish this "easy" job. Hmm...1950's plumbing, 2010 drain fitting. They don't make things like they used to, now they're bigger!

Trip 4 - find that my usual parking spot now has a sign up reserving the spot just for me. Girl at return counter just laughs as I trudge back in, but cordially helps me return the new drain I bought 30mins earlier. Seems I need a whole drain kit. Lowes doesn't sell just the drain pipe separately. Head back home what I hope is the last time, and start to install the new pieces only to find that I need a 2nd set of hands. Damn PVC. Stuff is easy to crossthread. Call my buddy over who helps keep things in place while I can line things up. A few more turns of the wrench and voila', I now have a leak free tub.

Basking in my Bob Vila moment, I think I"m going to enjoy me a Opus PL.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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