Originally Posted by MrsSledn
This is one of the greatest threads I have ever read. Many congrats to everyone and your achievements/accomplishments.
I have a few also.
1. Being the first in my family to attend college.
2. My husband/marriage. He's half my heart and my world.
3. Mine and Sledn's son Zachary. He's the other half of my heart and of my world.
4. Quitting smoking cigarettes in September of 2009, after smoking on and off from the age of 12. 22 years and I quit cold turkey. I have the craving for one every now and then and miss it at times. But in a few weeks, 8 months clean.
5. Still a work in progress... But, beating panic attacks that turned into panic disorder. It changed my life along with my family's. But I strive to make the most of everyday. To be the happiest I can be. And to love my husband and son, along with my family and friends.
That's great stuff, Cathy. Your family should get extra points for just being so damned cute.