Help with Cell phone plans
Yep, I'm one. Never had a cell phone of any type. I'll be 41 next month and have avoided it like the plague. Things have come up with family and work and I think it's about time. Some background - my wife has a Tracfone, pay as you go. She uses it once every other day. Her brother gave her a Razor to use with it. Not a bad deal. We've talked a little and haven't decided if we want to do a family plan or let me go out on my own. I won't be using it much, because I don't like phones (burdened at work) and I have a land line. I don't see me texting much, if at all, and I may use it once or twice a day most days. I love my wife's iTouch and would love to have an iPhone, but it's a lot of commitment. I've thought about the pay-as-you-go route, the unlimited plans, and the roll-over minute plans. Let's hear what you have and why you like it. There's just so may types of phones (iPhone; Blackberry World, Bold, Curve, Storm; Droid; etc.) and so many carriers and plans.
Somebody has to go back and get a chitload of dimes