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Old 11-05-2009, 09:04 AM   #1
germantown rob
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germantown rob is on a distinguished road
Default 3 month follow up on Oscar and Vario

My darling wife pointed out the other day how much money buying the Oscar and the Vario has saved us by not going to the local Cafe everyday. I didn't need any justification for the purchase but it did get me thinking what it would cost to drink the same amount of espresso, latte, and cappuccinos as we have made since July 09.

We go through a 1/4 pound of beans every day for espresso which translates into 7 double shots a day. $2.50 per double at the cafe plus tip is over $20 a day X 90 days equals $1800, in a years time that is $7200. I have never spent $7200 at the cafe in a year but it is safe to say I have spent about $2000 a year multiple times over buying espresso at shops. We are saving money and the tips I get for making her lattes are much better then money. I do feel for my local cafe since I got to know them very well over the years but I have not been back since the arrival of the Oscar.

I couldn't be happier with the ability to make outstanding drinks for as many people can fit in my kitchen and have no concern that this equipment is up to the task for many years to come.
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