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Old 10-26-2009, 06:07 PM   #1
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Default XIKAR Crossover Flower Jet

Well...I've been using a Nibo Space 6 Triple Flame lighter since I took up cigars again last December. I paid $10 for it on special and it's served me well. My only complaint, is that it sucks up butane because of the triple flame. To the point that I refill it every day before herfing with friends.

I wanted a new lighter, and a certain online retailer had sent me a $20 promo code to that allowed me to look at some lighters that I probably wouldn't have considered buying because of the price range. I ended up ordering the XIKAR Crossover Flower Jet. It's new from Xikar, it's sharp looking and it was costing me $20 less than the retail ticket ($55-$65). I spent hours Googling this thing to find more information, or even a picture of this "Flower Jet" (Yes...Flower Jet) Xikar was listing in their description. Frustrated...I ordered the lighter anyway this past week.
Postal Claus delivered my new object of obsession this morning. So in an effort to supply the interweb with some better pictures of this new lighter from Xikar...I've forgone lighting up a cigar just long enough to take a few photos. Beyond the pics...the lighter performs as expected. You push the button, and it lights. What else could a smoker ask for?

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