Originally Posted by wrench turner 85
yes, I'm a mechanic for the local school system, If I f**k up and someone looses there life over it, I don't get no free ride or slap on the wrist. I can be sued, loose my job, or brought up on criminal charges for a mistake. even if no one looses there life, all above applies. So yes, officers should have repercussions for there "mistakes", there no different then me.
Hang on a second.... There are repercussions for their mistakes. There are always civil liabilities, and administrative repercussions. But putting a peace officer in jail for failing to activate his emergency equipment is ludicrous! An officer should go to jail if he is corrupt, or deals drugs, or abuses his power, or even if he purposefully fails to take action in certain situations. Then he should be sent to jail. I'd imagine that you would need to do the job before you could understand the weight of split second decision making. Or constant second guessing by the media, the public, and your administration.
P.S. This isn't a debate on police officers cupability.