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Old 04-10-2009, 06:39 AM   #1
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Default Stress take it VERY serious

As some of you know over the past month the wife has been battling some health issues. It all started with a trip to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain and some abnormal bleeding. After a month of poking, drawing blood and ridiculously expensive drugs, testing and consults, the conclusion is diet and stress. First was the MRI, then the battery of every blood test on the planet, a testing of various drugs and then the slam dunk, the colonoscopy. Although the majority of the pain is gone, she still is not "100%" and yesterday found herself in enough pain to leave work early. The good news is with all the testing they have been doing, everything is coming back normal or negative, so in a way that’s good news. She is a plant supervisor in a midsized factory. Like many companies today they are experiencing layoffs, firings and downsizing. It appears her job is safe and I believe she knows that so she’s not worrying about herself. The stress of all the people losing their jobs, management screaming about loss of work and running behind schedule because they laid off too many people is taking it toll physically. Before all this started with her I would have never believed stress can have such an effect of your physical being. Today I go and pick up one of our daughters from school for the holiday and hopefully a house full of family this weekend will help her (It will stress the heck out of me but help her).

The point to all this rambling is to urge you all to take some time to relax every day. I have my outlet in the shop, and here. I have seen firsthand the effects stress can play on your body and its nothing to dismiss.

Take the stress in your life serious and please don't let it ruin your life.

Enjoy the weekend,
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