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Old 04-03-2009, 12:35 PM   #1
Feeling at Home
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Default Cabelas Credit Card

Alright I just gotta vent. A few months ago I signed up for a cabelas credit card at one of their stores. At that point in time I did not have a checking only saving account. I use my savings account to pay other online bills with no problems. On the website you enter your account info and have the option of checking or savings. Apparently Cabelas only accepts checking accounts and assumes everyone knows this. Well I didnt and every time I went to make a payment it would get sent back and said "return to maker". So today I called Cableas and they in turn told me to call the bank. They tell me I have sufficient funds and they cant see any reason why Cabelas would not accept the payment. I call Cableas back today and finally after 5 or 6 times Ive called about this problem in the past, Im informed that I can only pay with checking! WTF! How come when I called they didnt tell me?! So after 4 months of no payments I get all the late fees and that causes me to get over draft fees and some $300 over my limit. I call them up and *****. I actually didnt even have to say I want the over draft and late payments taken off, it was like they knew what I was goin to ask. That make me think that this happens often and thats how they make their money
NJ DEVILS 37-21-3
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