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Old 03-06-2009, 01:36 PM   #11
I <3 Huy
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Default Re: LOST Notes

>>> EDIT 3/6/2009 2:06 PM >>>
Yes, the Charlotte birth year thing seems to be an issue, but think about this:
The information Ben rattled off about Ms. Lewis in "Confirmed Dead" was incorrect. She's clearly well into toddler stage by 1974, so obviously she was not born in 1979 as Ben stated last season. This may just mean that Charlotte lied and/or Abaddon purposefully changed her background information in whatever file Michael read on the freighter -- which he then passed to Ben.

It's just one of three things: 1. Ben lied about Charlotte's birth year, 2. The information that Ben got was wrong, or 3. It was not Charlotte.

>>> Notes >>>
#11. I'm going with Taweret. See attached pics. Similarities to the Island Statue: The ears are short, the hair or head dress is long, the square-ish headpiece, not to mention that it just makes sense! Taweret is the protector of women during pregnancy and childbirth!! Sometimes carrying the ankh (eternal life) in one hand and the sa (symbol of protection) in the other. And one other thing that's different in each picture I look at, but most of them depict Taweret with only 4 toes.

#5. Taken from a website
"Daniel Faraday sees a young red-haired girl at the Dharma Initiative camp in 1974 whom he believes is Charlotte Staples Lewis. However, Ben, when reciting her biography ("Confirmed Dead") stated she was born July 2, 1979, approximately 5 years too late to be Charlotte if Ben's information from Michael was correct (a birthdate of 1969 would be closer if this girl is indeed a young Charlotte). It remains possible, however, that the girl was not Charlotte, and Daniel was mistaken due to his grief."

Only time will tell! Have a nice weekend, everyone!
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
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