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Old 03-03-2009, 05:29 PM   #1
Gramps 4x's
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Default MacBook FYI

Not sure if anyone else has had this problem but some may recall a thread of mine at another forum some of us no longer visit that alluded to "sleep" problems with my MacBook.

For some reason, my MacBook stopped going to sleep if I left it open. I would have to manually put it to sleep or close the lid and then it would sleep.

Well, I went through some numerous steps with Apple and was never able to resolve it. I quickly got use to doing it manually and moved on.

I recently uploaded the new iLife '09 an guess what? My MacBook now sleeps again if I leave the lid open.

I always suspected iMovie '08 as the culprit but was never able to pin it down. I suspected it because the issues arose when I used it to transfer old family VHS/8mm movies to DVD. Seems that by loading the new version, which includes changes to iMovie '08 resolved it.

Thought I would share this if anyone else has experienced this, knows someone who has or in case you do in the future. Good thing is that new laptops will now bring iLife 09 so it should not be an issue.

Viva la Apple!!!
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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