Originally Posted by rizzle
I'll try to tell you how Greg tried to tell me...
What you do is apply just a little pressure onto the head of the cigar as you start your cut and maintain that pressure as you make the cut. It doesn't take a lot, yet it is hard to tell you exactly how. After a couple of clips you'll have it though. A perferct cut with no more ridges.
Originally Posted by pnoon
A picture won't help much.
When you finish cutting your cigar, you pull the cutter away from the stick. If you pull away even slightly before the cut is complete, the cut will be rough. To combat this, apply gentle pressure with the cutter toward the foot. Or to think of it another way, while cutting, gently try and push the cigar thru the opening in the cutter. (Note: you don't actually want to push the cigar thru. I am just trying to illustrate what you need to do.)
Also, you can sacrifice a dog rocket or bundled smoke to practice cutting on. a 5" or 6" smoke will give you lots of practice cuts.
Sounds great boys! Thanks for the tips, I'll pass those on to him.