I thought The Monkees were fun and put out some good catchy tunes (even though they had little to do with them), while Jimi was God, not Clapton as claimed. But they were wildly different creatures. Plus, The Fake Four were highly popular at the time with a wide, young, and heavily female fanbase. Hendrix was all-but unknown in America at the time, his look and sound was shocking and beyond confusing to the teen fans with a crush on Davy Jones, and those fans would likely have been impatient for the headliners regardless of the opening act.
No one should fault The Monkees for this epic fail. They were fans of Hendrix and simply hoped to promote his US rep by introducing him to a wider audience. But the concept was flawed. Hey, imagine One Direction having some death-metal band open?
Yes he was!
I wouldn't like any of that.
__________________ "Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt