Re: Temp control - how important is it?
There are so many different methods and recommendations for the humidor: 60-65/70-72 RH. I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as you like your smokes, which should be fine in either range depending on how moist you want your smokes to stay. I'm fairly new to the collecting and storage of sticks, but not to the smoking of them. My humidor hovers in the high 60s which works for me in Colorado where the air is dryer with a lower humidity at altitude. I'd prefer my humidor to stay up in the high 60s, but I'm sure they would be just fine in the mid to lower 60s. If you average the recommendations I think you'll be just fine. Everyone has their own beliefs and if they all still store and smoke ok then I wouldn't put too much stock into who is truly right or wrong.