Originally Posted by dijit
Greg, my experiences have been very similar. I lived in a very small town in TN for many years. Grew up in the most racist neighborhood I have ever experience anywhere. Cross burnings in yards in the early 80's. A families home burned down in the late 70's because they were the wrong race. I grew up in Indianapolis, IN, Ravenswood was the suburb name. I lived in Tullahoma TN. The racist experiences in Ravenswood far exceeded those in Tullahoma, Winchester, Deckerd, and Belvidere TN combined. It is naive at best to think racism doesnt exist anywhere in this country but I have experienced far worse in the north than the south.
Theres a lot more that I would like to say my friend, but in the spirit of the rules I will be careful to tread lightly. And the fact that most all brothers I have met here, no matter where they are from seem to be more conservative and tolerant even if we don't agree with whatever someone says or believes. I'm not trying to turn this into an argument against anyone, just stating what I have witnessed with my own eyes, much like Phil Robertson said.