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Old 06-30-2012, 10:28 AM   #1
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Default Surf & Turf & Sporting Clays - Oh My !! (with pictures)

cause there's always pictures.

Wifey and I were sitting around (so cal) last night trying to decide what to do for dinner. I wanted surf, she wanted turf, we both wanted to shoot sporting clays.

Sure, we could have gone to Sizzler then over to Raahauge's, or up to Red Lobster then to Triple B Clays.

But if you want the best in Surf & Turf & Sporting Clays, there's really only one choice, and you can't see Russia from there.

Yep, Grouse Ridge Shooting Grounds in Wasilla Alaska, and their Friday night "grill your own steak" event. It's pretty much like it sounds, grab a steak off the pile, toss it on the grill.

That was the "turf" tomorrow we go in search of "surf".

Oh, and if you go up remember this phrase: I wanted to come inside after the breakup to shoot a walk-thru, but the damn chichocko's had all the flights booked. I'm staying out on KGB near the Parks, so I should be OK.

Americans won't know what you're talking, but it is music to an Alaskan's ears.

P.S. When we got to Grouse Ridge it was overcast, but the sun came out around 9:00pm so we moved outside

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