Originally Posted by Da Klugs
Need to stop obsessing about this. Unfortunately I am who I am.
First, outstanding job so far, this is terrific progress!
But second, what you've stated is great advice. Weight loss is so much harder as you get older--the ol' body just doesn't want to shed the pounds like it would have when your chemistry was different.
Couple things you might want to consider:
- Cutting out the bad calories is good, but just make sure you're not running at too much of a deficit. Ya gotta feed the machine to burn fat. Sometimes people get stuck at a weight because they aren't eating enough. Counter-intuitive, but true.
- It sounds like you are varying up your exercise routine, so that's good. Resistance/strength training is key to fat loss. You may not see it in the scale since you're adding muscle mass, so maybe take a few measurements (waist, chest, bicep) and note any progress. As you see changes, that will make you feel better about the stuck scale.
Keep up the great work!