Originally Posted by neoflex
Sadly, I can relate. My wife is always the one who will bend over backwards to help people out when they need it where I am the one that almost always says "No" or doesn't bother to offer. I learned the lesson a long time ago where my wife still refuses to learn that people love when your there for them when they need it but very rarely return the favor. For example, it's amazing how my wife will take in everyone and their brothers dogs when they go away on vacation etc. but when we need someone to watch our dogs for a few days shockingly no one ever seems to be around, like last week I had to drop $400 to put the dogs in a Doggie Camp because no one was available to watch them while we were in NY but yet we will have other peoples dogs here the next two weeks. Keep in mind our dogs are trained very well and are easy to watch and pretty much self sufficient other than needing to be fed and let out. I also had a situation like forgops not too long ago where we were getting rid of an old couch. Friends of my wifes sister wanted it since they are having a tough time financially right now and could use furniture for their home so we were more than happy to let them have it. After saying they wanted it, it was cluttering up my garage for a month while we waited for them to come get it. After growing tired of having to move it every time I needed to pull out my motorcycle or lawn mower I told my wife that they have a week to pick it up or it's going to the dump. Like you I suddenly became the unreasonable @sshole for putting a time constraint on it.
Yuppers...I have no problem telling people "NO" and I'm very honest with my explanations. They can take it or leave it, I won't be the A-hole and not help out but I most surely won't be the one taken advantage of.