Originally Posted by LostAbbott
I am a little disappointing that they did not show any of the battle. Seems like they might not have had the $$ to properly put on a battle scene.
As for a book six or seven, I sure as hell hope he can wrap it up with six. R.R. Martin is a pretty old fat dude, and I doubt he could last long enough for too many more books, it would really piss me off if he pulled a Robert Jordan. Tolken pulled it off in four books, what is wrong with these new guys? Don't get me wrong I love the story, but it should not take over 10k pages it tell it.
There are seven planned books right now, I doubt that he will take a book away, if anything he'll add more books, that's how these authors roll! He is old though, and I agree, he better not dilly dally and die before he finishes. I think now with the show he has a reason to htfu and finish it up.
Originally Posted by massphatness
Loved Ned's character, but knowing ANYONE is fair game to die makes the story that much more intriguing. This is not Harry Potter, and I'm glad.
On a separate note, I now oddly find myself rooting for The Imp ...
The Imp definitely becomes one of my favorite characters in all the books. The fact they cast his character so perfectly bodes well that he'll be a favorite in the tv series as well.
Originally Posted by kickerb
I hear that Tyrion is going to do something unexpected either in the next episode or the next season/book.
He does a lot of unexpected things, all of which are awesome

I can't remember specifically what he's got up his sleeve in the near future though...it's been a few months since I read the first book.