Originally Posted by SteveA
"The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara may be historical fiction but is very much a worthy read. Bruce Catton and Shelby Foote should be able to provide plenty of non-fictional accounts to whet your appetite for the real thing. Gettysburg is definitely on my list of places to visit.
Those books are fine for people who know nothing about Gettysburg or the Civil War but for those who really want to know the facts and learn the intricacies of the battle and its importance I would stick to the books I listed above to get a grasp on the battle. Plus Shaara is a prick, met him once and he wouldn't even sign a park map for one of the interns I lived with in 07.
Author of

eath, Disease, and Life at War: The Civil War Letters of Surgeon James D. Benton, 111th and 98th New York Infantry Regiments, 1862-1865.