Subsonic Server
I love music, I'm listening to it constantly throughout the day. Music pretty much dictates the speed and pace of whatever activity it is that I'm doing. That being said, I have a lot of music. And I am never able to fit my entire music library on any portable device. They just don't make them big enough. So I generally try to squeeze what I think I'll want to listen to into my paltry 32GB iPhone. However, it never fails that the specific song I want to listen to is not in my phone when I want to listen to it.
So I heard about this app that can stream your entire music library, no matter the size, to your iPhone via a server on your local machine. It also plays any type of file (FLAC,etc) that your iphone usually will not play. So I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Subsonic Servers or the app Z-Subsonic.
For me this is as close to cloud streaming as it gets. I would love to hear something good about these guys as it is a constant struggle for me to try and chop down my take along music list everyday.