Buy a $25 gift certificate for $2 with this offer. You'll have an addional required purchase, but how wrong can you go? For example, a $12 purchase enables you to receive $35 in value. Some places have different minimums or exclusions and you can obviously use 1 at a time.
Most*certificates*are*for*a*specific*amount*(usual ly*$25)*and*you*get*them*at*a*discounted*price*(us ually*$10*or*less).*Currently,*however,*you*can*sa ve*even*more*with*a*code*that*gives*you*an*extra*8 0%*off*already*discounted*certificates:*a*$25*cert ificate*is*just*$2*after*the*discount.*This*offer* ends*July*31.
Code is PLATE.