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Old 05-27-2010, 12:21 AM   #1
Dark Jester
Posts: n/a
Default Freezidor

Hi All,

Been thinking about building a cabinet style humidor for a few weeks now. Problem is I'd rather spend the money that I'd end up dropping on wood & parts on actual Cigars instead. Lot of time to assemble something like that too if you want it to look nice. I'm looking for something I can start using within the next month or so.

I've been eyeing some of the Vinotemp/Edgestar threads thinking they might be a good option, but I don't want to end up having to get another one every 3-6 months as I fill them up. I'm looking for something that I won't fill completely for a year or two, that won't cause my Cigar Budget to get an Aneurysm and bleed to death.. I'd rather spend my money on more good sticks starting out, rather than storage for them.

So, I've been thinking about it, and I got an idea to use an Upright Freezer. Some of those go up to 30 Cubic Feet. That's almost as good as having your own walk-in or closet. Bonus is that they can be found anywhere from Free to $100 without much searching. It's basically a monster Igloodor.

So, some questions for my more knowledgable brothers before I go off half-cocked down the path of no return.
  • Has anyone ever done something like this? I searched the forums and around the net a bit. I found a few people mentioning they might do it, or a friend had done it, but have not seen any details around existing builds.
    • If so, what kind of freezer did you use? Any advice / lessons learned?
  • What are my potential challenges?
    • Method of Humidification?
      • I'm thinking of going with an Active system, something like the Avallo. Suggestions?
    • Humidity Buffering?
      • Seen a few people recommend Shilala's Beads. Would these be a good option in this situation? Otherwise it's probably going to be crystals or something I think. Basically looking for something to protect a bit against humidity getting too high. Or maybe the Avallo by itself would be enough with a bunch of cigar boxes in there?
    • Heating?
      • Not really an issue since it will be inside. We keep the ambient temps at 65-75 in the winter.
    • Cooling?
      • Potentially an issue here. During the summer here in the desert, temps can spike over 100. We don't usually run the AC a lot during the summer, just opening windows and stuff instead. Indoor temps might get into the high 80's
      • Not sure I wil be able to use the default cooling system that the freezer comes with, even with something like an add-on thermostat. One issue is that they are condenser systems, which most everyone agrees are bad for Cigars. Another issue is that I plan on gutting the inside to build by own drawer/shelf system. Since most Freezers have the coolant running through tubes weaved through the shelves, the existing cooling system will likely be ripped out.
      • So, options given the above? I'm thinking some sort of thermoelectric system that I can add on to the freezer. I don't have much experience here though. Anyone have some recommendations? Is it possible to get the vinotemp cooler systems individually? Any other solutions anyone can recommend?

Think that's the main concerns of mine so far. I'm looking to get running with this in the next week or two. Shopping around for freezers now. I'll make it a project thread and post pics as I go. Probably end up doing some custom paint on the outside too. Maybe some cigar company logos or something.

Comments? Looking forward to any input you guys can give.


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