I saw the other scallops recipe and thought I'd throw mine in here. It's super easy and I've been doing it for a few months... fantastic every time.
- Get some big 'ol scallops
- Put some vegetable oil on the bottom of your pan and get it super hot (like, Megan-Fox-in-Transformers-1 hot)
- Sear for around 2 minutes
- Flip em over, sear for about 1-1.5 minutes
- Throw in an unhealthy amount of butter and generous amounts of cinnamon and tarragon
- Brown the scallops with that mixture until they are done cooking (a nice big spoon works great... just cover them with that mix, flip em, then cover them with it on the other side)
- Serve them and watch your friends begin to believe you can cook
Super easy and incredibly delicious... these things never get old.