Originally Posted by King James
and the flaming continues! This time with not even half truths but complete lies
this just in: apple has even more apps and is also insurable
edit: I'd also like if you could elaborate just slightly on with the iTouch is a "piece"
My I-touch is a piece because it will not recognize wireless networks and when i call apple they say i will have to pay for a new one b/c the warranty is out even though it was bought from apple less than a year before i called them. No. 2 most of the apps on it forceclose and when i try to do anything except play music it forcecloses and shuts off. When it comes to playing music it does a heck of a job but thats not why i got it. Reference the I-phone being insurable now this is news to me as my father just got one less than a month ago and at that point it was still un-insurable. By un-insurable i mnean against physical damage. I am aware that you can insure against product malfunctions but thats what a warranty should cover. Please let me know if you can now insure for accidental physical damage as it is news to me so i can stop telling "Lies". And i dont mean by putting it under your homeowners umbrella coverage which is exactly what AT&T told me i would have to do. By all means i am not being a smartass just stating what i have been told directly from apple and AT&T. Again please let me know if this has changed. BTW i do know that apple has WAY more apps, but droid also has more than anyone will ever need.