Re: Mac Or PC
If you game then I'd say PC or have the dough to get a Mac Pro. Heavy gaming on an Imac 24" at least the last generation creates to much heat and will in some cases fry the vid card. My wifes died after 16 months and like a dummy I didn't get Apple care. She ended up with a 2,000 dollar paper weight. Fixing would of been in excess of 500 bucks(if that works,some cases the mb needs replacing) for a vid card that has street value of less than 50 bucks. The problem was the vid card was soldered in so that's beyond my capability. Needless to say she's back to pc mainly because this issue on the windows platform costs me whatever the best vid card that the mb could tolerate. I have to say I like Windows 7. I personally use a Macbook pro and also have a Macbook that I take if we travel. I think the the Imac is a very good machine but I wouldn't get another without Applecare. This is merely my opinion and mine alone. Your mileage may vary.
Waiting for the Worms to come.