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Old 02-11-2010, 11:12 AM   #10
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
Well, claimed could mean a number of things, another person taking over th body is one of them, IMO. Also, Sayid has the military training that may be required to confront the "new" Locke.
Do you mean to say that Jacob would want to take over (or inhabit, or whatever) Sayid's body so that he may gain Sayid's military training for his own use? I would think that someone like Jacob would already have all that and more.

If "claimed" (I need to figure out what Dogen said in Japanese) meant that Jacob was taking over Sayid's body, then two questions: 1) Why does Dogen say that a "darkness" is growing within Sayid? Jacob is supposed to be their savior/protector ("ille qui nos omnes servabit"). 2) Why did Dogen say that the same thing happened to Claire (unless Jack has another sister)? Jacob's only been dead for a few hours--a day at the most--and Jacob's nemesis is on the other side of the island hauling Richard through the jungle. If Claire had been "possessed" by either of these two entities, how did Dogen find out so quickly? Claire had 3 years or so on the island in which she could have been "claimed" and the Others learn of it. I don't think that Sayid is being set up to be Jacob's new body.
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