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Old 01-17-2010, 08:45 AM   #10
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Buying a new laptop- Apple?

Originally Posted by Footbag View Post
Abut what Blueface is referring to is when your computer crashes or gives an error, it allows you to revert to the last good configuration.
Nope, that is not at all what I am referring to.

Time Machine is an automated or manual backup system for Mac that allows you to store all of your programs and documents onto another hardrive, such as a portable one, or a fixed second one. It can do it remotely via Time Capsule or by USB connection to the computer.
You can set it for daily, weekly, monthly or as I said, do it manually.
You can then enter Time Machine and view ANY of your backup dates and extract either all of its contents from that point in time or extract a specific file only.
Say I deleted a photo that I now wish I had. I can go to that specific point in Time Machine when it was there and pull it back into my current photos.

So, you have quite a bit of flexibility and aside from that, it is one touch or automatic and pulls EVERYTHING, including programs. It saves lots of time as it doesn't copy the entire hardrive each and every time. It only copies changes you have made since your last sync.

It is freaking carefree amazing backup and to say NT had that? No way.
I frankly don't think Windows 7 has that either but I am not sure and will take PC user's word.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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