on other sites, like CS (or Puff), i went by the username
IHT (Greg), you may have seen my name every once in a while.
as far as suggestions for McClellands goes, Savvy is dead on with his praise of their Grand Oriental Series. I have enjoyed
Smyrna #1 when i've had it, it's on the milder side. another one to consider is their
Oriental #14, which is on the stronger side and contains latakia.
other tobaccos i'd recommend are:
GLP Union Square - a Virginia with plenty of flavor
McClelland 5100 - a sweet Virginia sold in bulk only
and for when you want to get kicked in the jimmy with nicotine...
GH&Co Dark Flake unscented or
GH&Co Brown Twist Sliced (or sliced Brown Twist, depending on who you buy it from) - which are both sold in bulk only.
for a VA/Per, there's a couple that have a good amount of oomph/in your face flavors
GLP Fillmore - this one took me about 3 tins of smoking before i was able to pick up on the subtle sweetness of the virginias, as the perique was so dominant for me
A&C Peters
en Escudo - my favorite, but seems to be out of stock most everywhere.