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Old 10-30-2008, 04:22 AM   #1
Connoisseur of Pucks
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Default My humidor Journey...

It all started on a faithful day in September when I happen to mention in chat that I had grown tired of the Tupperware and decided that it just might be the time to step up to the plate and by my first humidor. Not very long after making the comment I get a chat pm from Steve(Fissure) that he was actually think of selling his current humidor as he was upgrading to a vino. After many PMs back and forth I decided that I should be the one to give this humidor a new home. Myself being a college student on a budget Steve and I decided that shipping this thing might not be the most economical option. We thought long and hard and Steve came up with the great idea that he could lug the humidor down to the Flag signing herf and send it up to Canada with one of the Canadian BOTLs that would be in attendance.

That’s when I went on my recruitment mission. It turned out to be a lot easier then I would have originally thought. With one PM to a BOTL affectionately referred to as OldSailor or Dave I had found my mule. I know Dave has had some interesting interactions with our oh so wonderful customs agents in the past and I didn’t want to cause him any problems on his journey home from Detroit. Even when I mentioned this there was no hesitation, no fear in his voice…he was going to beat the black helicopters that patrol the boarders (possibly with the help of a canon?)

With the plans set came the most difficult part…the wait! Fast forward a month and the handoff occurred. My humidor mule had received the package from my dealer and successfully made the trip back to Canada without a hitch. The issue that emerged now was how am I going to get this thing from Dave? I bounced some ideas of him and he came to the conclusion that shipping it to me would make the most sense. I was slightly opposed to the shipping idea for the simple fact that Dave a stubborn Old goat firstly had done me a huge favour by bring the humidor into Canada and secondly refused to take compensation for the cost of the shipping, We hashed everything out and Dave was off to find a box.

Right after I heard the news from Dave that my humidor was in the country I received a PM from Steve. It seems that he had so he tells me unintentionally forgotten to send the humidity beads that had been included in the deal. He informs me that he would be sending them out ASAP. A few days later a package is sitting at my door. I open it up and sure enough the beads are there ready to be put in their new home. As I delve into the package a little further I come to the realization that these beads did not come alone. Steve decided that these beads being as important as they are needed five bodyguards to ensure they arrived in one piece. I am still unsure if the whole forgot to send the beads story was a fib but I really appreciate the great cigars that were sent as bodyguards.

Yesterday morning I was up bright and early as I had to be at school for 8 AM. On the way out the door to my car I almost fall flat on my face as I trip over and unusually large box set outside. I look at the box and see that it is addressed to me….MY HUMIDOR HAS ARIVED!!!!!! I immediately high tail it back to my room with the box as my roommates glance at me with jealous stare. I rip the box open and there see lies my ebony beauty. I was extremely excited and my excitement only grew as I opened it up. Dave the sneaky little bastage had the exact same idea as Steve. He decided that the humidor was in need of a little protection while it was in the mail. To the extent of 10 cigars(5 of which are on temporary assignment).

My experience with this purchase has made me realize just how lucky I am to be part of this great community. I find it hard to believe that this would have been pulled of so flawlessly with people I know out in the real world but it went better then expected dealing with two brothers I have never even met in person. I would just like to take the time to thank both Steve and Dave for making this such a positive experience for me and being part of my humidor story...

Now for some low quality cell phone p**n

I hope everyone enjoyed my little story and if you see these BOTL around give them both a little love for me

Last edited by Prefy; 10-30-2008 at 04:28 AM.
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