AVO classic
I can't remember the the size but I think it was about a 46x6?
Man I love these. This was only my second. The first was probably 2 years ago and this one tasted exactly like I remember. No sweetness at all, just leather with a little pencil lead. a very refined and straightforward flavor. I smoked it to the nub and was wishing it could have been a few inches longer, which is rare for me. I usually don't have the attention span to stick with anything bigger than a PC.
I've been saying forever now that Dominican tobacco has the potential to easily overtake some of the popular Nicaraguans. If you smoke a lot of Nic Puros, or if you smoke mostly CCs, these are an excellent change of pace. Complex and flavorful enough to hang with the Cuban heavyweights but also manly enough to keep up with the best that Nicaragua has to offer.