Originally Posted by icehog3
Trent, the first season premiered on July 21, 2004, so it was almost 3 full years after 9/11. It hardly "cashes in" on the esteem that firefighters are held in, it shows them with more problems than the average Joe.
It was the first show about FDNY post 9/11, and even though it was almost three years after 9/11, firefighters were more revered then ever. IMHO it was a convenient time to produce a series about fireman especially FDNY.
Originally Posted by icehog3
I could find no news reports of any Fire Department suing Leary's foundation.
I couldn't seem to find anything about it either. Firehouse is where I read about it, but I'm not sure where the story went. The story went into LFF having finical trouble. The dept. was a larger city dept. who purchased an equipment truck. The contracts were signed and the vehicle was built. When it came time for delivery there was no money. The manufacture was on the dept. for the money because of the contract and the dept. was going after LFF because they awarded them the grant.
I'm not saying Dennis Leary hasn't done a ton of good for the fire service. I'm just not into the TV show, but I will admit I assumed LFF was created after Rescue Me. I didn't know it was created in 2000 to honor his cousin.