Originally Posted by BamBam
Is that Animal Control in the background there
No sir, that's one of Arlington's Police vehicles. I've had very good luck with them and find them to be very professional. I even submitted a compliment to the Police Department via the Arlington City web site, when I got my last speeding ticket. I've had less than professional treatment by police officers in the past, so I appreciate the professionals. He called me sir, explained why he stopped me, the speed limit as well as the speed he clocked me at and told me if I were stopped again from the far left lane, that I should stop on the left hand shoulder. I told him that I had always stopped in the far right shoulder because it give me more room to stay away from the other traffic. Here in Texas, when you pass any emergency vehicle, you are supposed to either move over one lane or if you pass in the lane next to them, you reduce your speed by 20 mph. There were idiots flying by him, I'm sure hitting 70 mph or better.
Anyway, I received a return email with a thank you. Turns out, they don't often get commendations from persons who received tickets.