It's funny
I was looking back at some old posts i made years ago and i'm embarrassed by how aggressive i used to be. i look at that young man who seemed to know everything and i want to smack him. I guess i thought i had it all figured out back then but man do i not know a thing anymore. I guess we're all idealistic when we're young and looking for something to fight over or die over which explains why some people join the military and it's a credit to them in how they refocus all that energy. Getting sick and becoming disabled has humbled me and i know that it's part of Gods plan. Faith has changed me as well. my Faith in Jesus Christ has stopped me from destroying myself because if i was that young man still in this broken body then suicide would've been my only options in my mind. Thank God that didn't happen!. There's no point to this than to just hope someone who used to be like me may read this and find some hope. God bless you all!
“When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name.” Spurgeon