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Old 01-10-2019, 04:54 AM   #1
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Question Under appreciated & overlooked...underdogs?

With a lot of magazines and websites releasing their “Top # of Cigars of 2018” recently, I’ve seen some folks around the interwebs express discontent about some cigars being completely overlooked. I have found that by and large, most lists I’ve seen so in fact recommend some nice cigars, but I also *absolutely* agree that there are many hidden gems out there. Honestly many of the tastier cigars I’ve had were either from word of mouth or by sheer luck.
Due to that, I thought it might be nice to start a thread dedicated to sharing some of the less appreciated cigars out there. So feel free to list some of the cigars that you think would fall in to that category, and more importantly, why they belong! I’ll start wiiiiiiith......

CAO La Traviata Habano - I’ve read that this one has been rated highly in past lists but by and large, I don’t hear much about it. I’ve noticed that CAO does very little, if anything, in the way of promoting this cigar. Maybe because it’s so good, they know it doesn’t need to be promoted?
As far as how it smokes - solid medium body, full on flavor. Lots of reviews attribute the “Cubanesque” moniker to the Traviata, but all I know is that it is delicious...esque. Tons of woodsy, caramel & cocoa notes without being too, if at all sweet, which I appreciate.
These often go for about 3-4 bucks a stick but at times, even less if you are patient. This is the other reason I love this cigar so much, the price/quality dynamic, and I often try to buy boxes at a time when on sale.

So what about you? I look forward to seeing some of your recommendations!
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