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Old 02-03-2009, 07:34 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy LG Chocolate gets replaced - did I overpay?

I have an LG Chocolate, had it about a year. It's a $100 phone but I got it for free through the Verizon upgrade when my contract rolled itself.

Anyway, the year's passed, and I can't upgrade 'til '10. Why do I want to? Well, I liked this phone, I really did. But the darnedest things happen to it.

Sometimes when I take a picture, it shuts itself off. That's it. Pft. Straight off, and I've got to restart and take a new one.

And then, get this. My charge port is loose I think. I've got to plug the stupid thing in through the USB, and either force it, hold it tight, or hope it hits the contact just right to register that it's supposed to charge.

So I emailed Verizon three days ago; I'll never call them, I hate customer support. Still no reply. But I know what they'll do. They'll tell me to send em the phone and $50 and they'll get me a new being refurbished, right?

I thought no way. So I just bid on and won a Blackberry Storm for $385; I'm hoping to get $85 for my LG to offset the cost. Did I pay too much for a gently used PDA smartphone compared to the Chocolate?

Just curious. Sorry if this sounds weird at all. I'm very angry at this point, and really didn't want to pay for it; I did, but I still wish my phone worked fine.

Anyone else hate their LG? Why?
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