Micro quickie reviews on three weekend cigars. Cain Daytona Corona 6 x 46, ElCenturion Toria 5.625 x 46 and LFD Double Ligero Maduro 654. The Daytona was enjoyed while working on an outside porch project. Construction was flawless on this stick - typical Oliva detail and quality. Draw and burn were very good with no touch-ups needed. Flavor began nicely, but mediocrity soon followed. Unfortunately, this cigar proved to be nothing really special. Not my thing. The Toria, on the other hand was awefully good! Good draw, burn, lots of thick smoke and nice flavors. Nothing left to be desired - this was a really good cigar! This stick and the LFD were enjoyed inside with A/C and a Guinness/Newcastle ale!

. The LFD 654 was just...damn! Awesome Maduro cigar with about a year sleep on it. These just get better with some nap time. Starts with savory, salty, almost smoked after taste with some coffee thrown in the mix. Super smooth and creamy bold flavors right from the get-go. These are awesome cigars with lots of bold flavors and strength as well. This one gave me a bit of a buzz. Haven't had that happen in a while! Superb!