07-14-2014, 05:13 PM
Smoke me if you can...
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Bri
Location: Enjoying the weather here!
Posts: 256
Re: Starting a brick and mortar
Originally Posted by Crusader
Anybody here start one up recently. Buddy and I are kicking it around. My guess is the fed makes it tough but would be interested to hear someone's story.
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
Unless you have a sweetheart deal on rent, I would not open a tobacco B&M. All the odds are stacked against you unfortunately. Opening a cigar lounge, provided you can serve alcohol is another story and would need further consideration.
If you opened a business that bread & butter was something else and includes cigars and least you have a core business to sustain itself.
I agree, tough crowd for a B&M cigar shop; plus I think you'll have better luck with a cigar lounge with optional adult beverages. I would also go to a friendly location. Get your licences and permits ahead of time before you sink a ton of money into your business. If you'll need funding good luck with that one too.
There are five things that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a fine cigar." Just say NO to SCHIP and Cigar taxes!