So a few weeks ago my Xikar lighter Enigma lighter case split. The lighter Xikar replaced my old first enigma lighter with. I sent it back to receive a new Enigma II today. A few weeks ago my new ELX stopped working all together. Me being the curious person I am, I marked the case with a little scratch on the bottom. Xikar packing slip says they repaired it. I think they just sent me a new ELX since the scratch is gone. The Enigma was probably 5 or 6 years old the ELX was a few months old and now both brand new. About a year ago my Xikar Xi cutter, yes with no numbers behind it at least 15 years old and still sharp started sticking closed. Yes you guessed it they replaced it but gave me back my old leather case for it. I know there are several fans of Xikar on here and some, well maybe not so much. I however will be a steadfast customer for life because of this level of service. Thanks Xikar.