Looking for a better grasp of Perique
I'm looking for some input to clear up a misunderstanding I've just realized I have.
I bought some McClelland's St James Woods to experience a blend with a decent amount of perique in it. The tin note was vinegary/ketchupy which I attributed to the perique. All reading I've done point towards a fermented flavor profile. Now, after purchasing McClellands Dominican Glory Maduro and getting the same tin note, I venture over to tobaccoreviews.com and see that this ketchup aroma is prevalant in many (if not most) of their blends.
While I enjoy both of the aforementioned blends, I'm now not sure I have the slightest idea what I'm tasting when it comes to a perique or VaPer blend. I'd love some recommendations of blends with a prominent perique flavor so I can teach my palette to pick it out in more subtle blends.