Humidification of New Box of Cigars
Situation: Purchased a box of Illusione 88's a week or so ago. Wooden box came wrapped in factory cellophane. Put sticks in my very classy Ziplock disposable food container (basically a disposable version of Tupperware). I keep all my sticks in about a dozen different identical containers, each with its own Boveda 72% humidi-pak. I have a digital hygrometer that makes the rounds between containers and always reads 72%. I put the new Illusiones in a container and put in a new Boveda pak. The hygrometer has been reading a steady 65%. The sticks feel light, i.e., I've had properly humidified 88's that felt much more dense. Did I get a box of sticks that was not maintained at the proper humidity during its time at the retailer? I've bought boxes (of other brands from other vendors) before, and I've never experienced this. Do I have a problem, or will time resolve this?