"Breakfast Cigar" what is or do you have a breakfast or morning cigar?
I never thought I'd have a cigar that early in the morning but one day after getting a bomb it was a about 0600 and I took the weiner dog for a walk and wanted to try a stick a I was gifted so I thought what the hell. Grabbed a Genesis Project Scotty sent me and it was very very enjoyable! I'm only working part time so on mornings I don't work or work a shift that starts between 1000-1200 I go for a 2-3 mile walk and enjoy a cigar. I would not do that if I had to be there by 0800 as I would not want my coworkers to smell me or frankly would not want to smell myself. And I'm not getting up at 0500 for a cigar for a morning shift.
So curious if you have a cigar for breakfast do you have a good to stick? Mine is typically a Undercrown Corona Viva. Anyone care to share?