Ditto this except for the Maytag,,,have had washer and dryer for over 15 years and it runs like brand new. We recently bought a home warranty package for only $435 a year,,,covers everything in the house,,,everything and if it goes bad it gets fixed regardless. I don't buy warrantys from the store anymore as this home warranty pays for everything that could go wrong,,,why pay for an extra warranty?
Originally Posted by taltos
Having bought these items as replacements within the past 5 years, I would advise going with General Electric for all 3 and avoiding Maytag as we had terrible luck with a washer. Feature suggestions:
Refrigerator: side by side refrig/freezer combo, through the door ice/water dispenser, ice maker, adjustable shelves. Painted finishes do not show finger prints as much as stainless steel and are a couple hundred less.
Washer: top loading with at a minimum short and long wash cycles as well as temperature choice for wash and rinse.
Dryer: front loading, multiple drying cycle choices, multiple temperature choices, cool down cycle, loud cycle finished buzzer on washer and dryer.
Hope that this helps.